“SANATANA DHARMA” OR ETERNAL DUTY is to follow the path of righteousness, truth, nonviolence, honesty, purity, goodwill, mercy, patience, forbearance, self-restraint, and generosity. It is a way of life with principles. The foundation follows principles of Sanatana Dharma and is a nonprofit community service organization with a commitment to inculcate service to humanity and increase environmental awareness in teen age children and young adults. Our foundation is the south USA branch of SVBF USA INC and is located within a 6.5 Acre gated compound at 10315 Clodine Road, Richmond, Texas 77407.

The SVBF south compound has a large community center, a library, an event hall with a kitchen, and a large garden with 2 green houses. Our services include disaster relief, vaccination drives, blood donation camps, distribution of school supplies to the needy, environmental education, gardening, composting and food donation. The foundation serves free light strictly vegetarian food to the seekers at this venue, especially during the evenings and holidays. The FB County certified kitchen is not a commercial for-profit establishment to cater or deliver food outside of the compound. The foundation runs on donations from devotees. Fruits are distributed daily. Based on sponsorship, and donation, occasionally more items may be cooked and served especially on special occasions. We only use environmentally friendly biodegradable products.

Several school going teen age children and the university students perform volunteer service to the organization in 4 key areas. A). food serving, water distribution, packing, delivery, upkeeping of the dining area, with recycling efforts, B). Mailing service for fund raising, inventory labelling, membership services, dining hall upkeeping, C). Front desk services, registration, and crowd control during health wellness drives, D). Planting, Yard services, composting, plant care, watering, soil testing etc., In addition Scout teams from KATY school system have built 4 large compost bins, another scout group constructed the sprinkler system in the green house with funding from the foundation. 

Highly educated chaperones (1 for 3 volunteers) are always present during the activities. They include, NASA scientists, Retired physicians, retired oil company executives, teachers, and IT specialists. Food, water, wellbeing, and monitoring of the student volunteers is according to the FORTBEND county safety regulations, guidelines, and procedures for such programs. 

Lakshmi Narasimham Dasika, MD President, SVBF South Branch